I am two months into this journey, can you believe it? When it first began, each day seemed like an eternity and now the days are just flying by and I am reaping the benefits everyday. Yes my pain level is still at a 4 but my energy level has improved by leaps and bounds. The reality of living with Fibromyalgia is that most likely we will never have a pain free day but a 50% improvement is huge.
I wanted to share the results of my doctor visit with you. It has been 2 months since I last met with her and about 7 weeks since I started the detox. She was very surprised with my progress. She immediately noticed my weight loss which turned out to be 20 lbs and just icing on the cake for me. I explained to her that my pain level had improved by about 50%, my blood pressure was down to 119/72 and my BMI was down 3.5 points. We discussed all my concerns. She explained that since I did the yeast detox and have been following a yeast free diet, she feels like the yeast should no longer be a problem. I asked her about adding some fruit to my diet and she agreed that would be fine. She told me to consume fruit like I do the starchy vegetables and limit them to 3-4 times per week. She thinks adding fish oil (which she recommends liquid cod liver oil) to my diet could improve my pain level even more. I still have quit a bit of inflammation in my back.
Now let’s talk about this liquid cod liver oil. She so highly recommends this form of fish oil and the people in her office are convinced it is the best but I am having a hard time convincing myself. The bottle said that it is the oil from the cod’s liver prior to any processing and I am thinking that was not really intended for this girl. The bottle said 1 teaspoon but she told me I should take 1 Tablespoon. Lucky me! She also said I could have one container of yogurt each day and I could mix my oil with the yogurt to get it down. Now if she says to “get it down”, it ain’t good. I hurried to the store and got my favorite strawberry yogurt and got home and realized this wonderful oil was lemon flavored. All week I have looked at the bottle, which needs refrigerated. I have even taken the bottle out several times, but I have yet to break the seal. Tomorrow is the day. Lisa, my co-worker, bought me some lemon meringue yogurt so tomorrow we are both going to try the cod liver oil in our lemon yogurt. Heck yes I am dragging her into this. She said she didn’t want me to go through this alone so I am very generously going to share it with her. I will let you know next blog how this is going.
My tip for today comes from my most important mentor. I have learned this and so much more from J.B. Glossinger, my Morning Coach and my friend. His daily coast cast has drastically changed my life. He recommends we make improvements 1% a day. Just 1%! We can all do this. Just making one little change in our diet, our level of exercise, or our attitude can make such a difference in the way we deal with fibromyalgia and in the way we manage our pain levels. The changes we have discussed in my blog have been drastic and the results have been also but if each person reading this will just start today by making one small change, before we know it another two months will have passed and the results could be huge.
Next blog I am going to begin giving you some tips to making the little changes in your diet so much easier. Please sign up to receive email updates of my blog. And by all means, please continue to leave comments. I have received so many comments from both men and women all over the world that are suffering every day with Fibromyalgia. Hopefully we can begin to lower their Fibro-meter also.
Thanks for sharing your story. Coincidentally, I’m finishing a screenplay where the main female character is named Lindy. Anyway, I know being an MC member has been beneficial in adapting to your condition. My sister has had fibromyalgia for decades, so I know the impact it can have. I don’t have as compelling a reason as you do, but I still need to make some dietary changes. That’s the last area of my life I’ve left untouched by 1 percent improvement. No excuses left!
By the way, if you haven’t already, check out my humor blog at http://www.mitchmoorewriter.com/wordpress. For those days you could use an extra chuckle. I’m also on Twitter @mitchmoore01.
Keep up the writing!
Keep up the great work. All the effort is paying off. You’ll be glad you did this.
Lindy, great to hear about your progress. Keep up the awesome, inspirational work. I am impressed by the way you are approaching each step, each challenge, with focus and determination. We can all benefit by having this viewpoint.
I’ve missed a few of your posts and oh my goodness!!! By leaps and bounds you have performed a miracle!!
Cod liver oil.. yum. Not! But listen, I’ve been taking it for apx 3 years and I’ve notice immense changes! Your hair, nails, skin will be spectacular. The hard part is getting it thru the gullet! And definitely take it with food or the “erppies” will get you! Hopefully, you won’t find out what that is
So proud of you my friend! You inspire me.
Well done. Mew talked about this is Florida and y are doing it.way to go!, well done!!!
Way to shine!!!!
Wow Lindy! Awesome progress!! I love how your family and friends are supporting you and sharing these experiences with you. That makes a huge impact. Thank you again for sharing your story with all of us!
Lindy, I am so proud of you!! What an inspiration. I know this has been very hard for you. Keep up the awesome work.
Your story about the cod liver oil reminded me of my childhood, my mom used to force feed me that stuff to combat my asthma which actually worked. That stuff tasted horrible but it did provide results I kid you not!!! I can’t wait to check out your next post.
Oh my. This stuff is terrible. Not sure I can get it down with yogurt. I think I am going to have to go to plan B. Not sure what that is yet!
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